Guide for Developers

Badger Trust has released updated guidance for developers.

Planning and development activities are some of the most common threats to badgers reported to Badger Trust. Over 50% of badger crimes reported relate to sett interference, and 20% of these are related to housing and development projects. Even if sett interference is accidental, any act (malicious or negligent)  which disturbs badgers and their setts is illegal under the Protection of Badgers Act 1992. Therefore, as a Developer, it is in your best interest to protect yourself by protecting local badgers.

Badger Trust has created Guides for Developers, Ecologists and Planners, which are freely available. The document is designed to guide Developers through appropriate steps to protect badgers and their setts from development activities, with advice on legal responsibilities and badger harm mitigation strategies.

Badger Trust also encourages local councils to liaise with local Badger Groups who may offer advice and information on local badger populations.