A happy outcome for a limping badger.

We were contacted by a concerned member of the public over concerns for the welfare of one of the badgers that visits their garden.

One of our volunteers visited the garden and set up several remote camera traps to observe, but after a few days the footage didn’t reveal clear enough footage, so armed with a night vision camera, they spent a few evenings there, trying to get closer footage of the injured badger.

Their observations revealed that not only was the badger limping on its front leg, it was also a lactating sow. The homeowner continued support feeding and a cage trap was put in place to get the badger used to it, in case we decided we needed to catch her and have her assessed and treated at a Veterinary Hospital, or in the worst-case scenario, have her humanely euthanised.

Over the next week the limping sow was confident enough to enter the cage trap to feed but fortunately her limp was improving. After a couple of weeks, we decided intervention wasn’t needed and removed the cage trap and continued monitoring using the remote cameras.

Badgers and other wildlife can often recover from injuries they sustain without any outside intervention, so it is always better to monitor first before capturing a wild animal. With lactating mothers there is also the wider implication of potentially dependant offspring to consider.

This story has a very happy ending thanks to the kindness and effort given by the member of the public who asked for our help and to our volunteer.